Cooling systems


Cooling SystemThe photos show an example of an application in refrigeration and air conditioning technology. The materials to be brazed are made of copper, brass and steel. Flame or induction can be used as the brazing method.

If copper and copper based materials are being joined together, brazing can be carried out using BrazeTec Silfos 2 with a working temperature of 740°C.

When brazing copper to copper, no flux is required due to the phosphorus content of the BrazeTec Silfos 2 brazing alloy. When brazing copper to brass, a flux is required, e.g. BrazeTec h.

This brazing alloy is not suitable for steels and nickel alloys. We hence recommend using BrazeTec 4576 low melting point silver brazing alloy for brazing steel, copper and Kühlschrankcopper alloys and nickel and nickel alloys. The working temperature of this alloy is ca. 670°C. BrazeTec h is used as flux.